The Average Age of a Network Administrator is 36-What This Means For Your Copier Dealership


In doing research for a presentation I’m doing for a Copier Dealer Association’s service manager’s meeting, I discovered a statistic that should make all of us pay attention: 36 is the average age of a network administrator according to a recent New York Times article. Yes, that’s the average age. That means there are many in their early thirties and late twenties.

What does this mean to your dealership? Even though the people sitting in the c-suite may be baby boomers coddling their 401K’s as they sail into retirement, the youngsters they have hired to manage their information technology are digital natives.


Five Critical Components of an Effective Blog

Smart businesses blog regularly on their websites to enhance their search engine placement, fuel their social media strategy and position themselves as subject matter experts. Sadly, many businesses miss key aspects in their blogs, sabotaging their effectiveness. Last week as I was evaluating a blog for a business that was using a cut-rate blogging service I discovered several key deficiencies that were hurting their results. In this article you’ll learn the key aspects of effective blogs. (more…)