The Importance of Alignment in Sales and Marketing Messaging

by | Nov 2, 2021 | Marketing

When it comes to sales and marketing alignment, the focus is on ensuring that both departments tell the same company story. Because these two teams have the greatest influence over disseminating that story, there must be cohesiveness between the marketing and sales messaging.

Aligning Your Sales and Marketing Messaging

At a first glance, a company story might not seem like a direct contributor to your bottom line. However, a well-crafted story can be the difference between a company that gets by and one that bulldozes through all its quarterly quotas.


Crafting a deliberate message plays a crucial role in ensuring cohesiveness. A story might not initially seem like an important part of marketing, but consumers value relatability when purchasing products. Good stories are complete. This reduces the risk of people filling in the blanks with varying details. Good stories also hone in on core values, such as family values, the value of hard work and the importance of integrity.

Build Trust

Consumer trust is at an all-time low in America. Variations in sales messaging can worsen this on an individual level, so it’s important to ensure all company information is accurate, up-to-date and reflects the same details. The salespeople that consumers meet in person should also relay the same information. Here’s Darrell Amy talking about building trust through messaging:


Buyers don’t just buy products and services; they are investing in the outcomes these products and services claim to provide. Cohesive messaging sets realistic expectations based on relevant information that buyers can use to quickly make informed decisions. This is sometimes less about the details and more about how the information is framed.


Human resources professionals share marketing and sales messaging internally and this process begins with recruitment and then onboarding. Having one story that aligns across departments ensures that new workers get the correct information from the start. This significantly reduces the risk of misrepresentation, factual errors and poor phrasing.

How To Ensure Clarity in Your Messaging

Some business owners have mastered the art of storytelling and it lies at the foundation of why they started their businesses and how they have achieved remarkable success. Clear sales messaging requires a detailed review of the company history, products, services and achievements. It also requires collaboration across multiple departments. Consequently, for most business owners, hiring professionals to ensure sales and marketing alignment can go a long way. 

Our professionals at Convergo have worked tirelessly to highlight the best of all that our clients have to offer. We partner with managers as sales and marketing professionals to perfect the marketing and sales messaging and boost sales. Reach out to our team to get started today.

Bill Poole

Bill is the Visionary/Integrator at Convergo where he focuses on helping entrepreneurial businesses overcome sales challenges to unleash growth.

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