Sales Prospecting With a Positive Attitude

Prospecting is hard - and keeping a positive attitude while getting a string of rejections is even harder. Use these tips to stay positive - and bring that positive prospecting to your potential clients.Consistent prospecting is essential for sales success. Without a steady stream of prospects, the funnel dries up. Then you end up taking desperation deals and flipping your base.

Effective prospecting requires a positive attitude. The challenge is that if there is one thing that can chip away at your attitude, it’s the rejection you get while prospecting. As a sales professional, you need a proactive plan to keep a positive attitude.

In today’s negative world, a positive attitude stands out. A positive attitude is contagious.

Don Hutson offers inspiration on the importance of a positive attitude in the first chapter of Selling Value:

“High performers are motivated and ready to make great things happen! If they get some motivation from their boss or significant other, or another source, that’s fine, but they understand that their PRIMARY source of motivation comes from within.”

Our responsibility as sales professionals, sales leaders, and business owners (all of us are in sales) is to maintain a positive attitude.

How can you cultivate a positive attitude to fuel your prospecting? Here are a few ideas! (more…)

How Much Money Will Ineffective Sales Prospecting Cost You This Year?

Do you know the true financial impact of inconsistent (or worse, ignored) prospecting? I'll give you a hint - longterm, it's probably well over six figures.Stephen Covey says that highly effective people put the “big rocks in first” because if you don’t do the important things first, they get crowded out by the smaller things.

The biggest rock for any sales professional is prospecting. It’s the #1 driver of success and the #1 thing that gets pushed to the bottom of the priority pile. Jeb Blount, the author of Fanatical Prospecting, famously said, “The #1 reason for an empty pipe is the failure to prospect!”

What’s The Annual Financial Impact?

What’s the annual impact of inconsistent prospecting? I think this is a worthy question for every sales professional, sales team leader, and company owner to consider.

To calculate the impact, let’s begin with some assumptions. (more…)

Sales Discipline Equals Financial Freedom

As sales professionals, your team can integrate discipline to improve their freedom - financially and otherwise.

“Although discipline demands control and asceticism, it actually results in freedom.”
Jocko Willink

Jocko provides helpful insight for sales professionals and leaders in the final chapter of Extreme Ownership : Discipline Equals Freedom.

If you want the freedom of excellent outcomes, you need discipline. In sales, this means that if you want financial freedom, you need to establish discipline.

The extent to which you embrace discipline will determine your level of financial freedom – avoid discipline and you’ll cause frustration.

Let’s explore some ways that sales professionals and teams can integrate discipline to improve their freedom. (more…)

Consistent Execution: The Secret To Revenue Growth

Execution is critical to success - otherwise all you have is a plan. But there's more; great execution is also how dealerships set themselves apart for the competition - and grow net-new.“Execution is the single greatest market differentiator. Great companies and successful individuals execute better than the competition.”
 Brian P. Moran, The 12 Week Year

If you want to be successful in growing a company as a business owner, or growing a territory as a sales rep, you need to execute consistently. You can have a great vision, amazing products, and all kinds of great intentions. But the marketplace only rewards ideas that get implemented.

Execution needs to happen in the three core areas of your business that touch your clients and prospects. Let’s consider each of these in turn. (more…)